Teaching Methods
For Teachers.............
The best part of teaching as a profession is that it is never the same. Here is an extensive (not exhaustive) list of teaching methods some of which can really be helpful if customized well. I found it from https://teaching.uncc. edu/learning-resources/ articles-books/best-practice/ instructional-methods/150- teaching-methods. It is a nice platform for people interested in pedagogy!
The best thing we can do is add more methods to this list!
Happy navigatioon!
150 Teaching Methods
- Lecture by teacher (and what else can you do!)
- Class discussion conducted by teacher (and what else!)
- Recitation oral questions by teacher answered orally by students (then what!)
- Discussion groups conducted by selected student chairpersons (yes, and what else!)
- Lecture-demonstration by teacher (and then what 145 other techniques!)
- Lecture-demonstration by another instructor(s) from a special field (guest speaker)
- Presentation by a panel of instructors or students
- Presentations by student panels from the class: class invited to participate
- Student reports by individuals
- Student-group reports by committees from the class
- Debate (informal) on current issues by students from class
- Class discussions conducted by a student or student committee
- Forums
- Bulletin boards
- Small groups such as task oriented, discussion, Socratic
- Choral speaking
- Collecting
- Textbook assignments
- Reading assignments in journals, monographs, etc.
- Reading assignments in supplementary books
- Assignment to outline portions of the textbook
- Assignment to outline certain supplementary readings
- Debates (formal)
- Crossword puzzles
- Cooking foods of places studied
- Construction of vocabulary lists
- Vocabulary drills
- Diaries
- Dances of places or periods studied
- Construction of summaries by students
- Dressing dolls
- Required term paper
- Panel discussion
- Biographical reports given by students
- Reports on published research studies and experiments by students
- Library research on topics or problems
- Written book reports by students
- Flags
- Jigsaw puzzle maps
- Hall of Fame by topic or era (military or political leaders, heroes)
- Flannel boards
- Use of pretest
- Gaming and simulation
- Flash cards
- Flowcharts
- Interviews
- Maps, transparencies, globes
- Mobiles
- Audio-tutorial lessons (individualized instruction)
- Models
- Music
- Field trips
- Drama, role playing
- Open textbook study
- Committee projects--small groups
- Notebook
- Murals and montages
- Class projects
- Individual projects
- Quizdown gaming
- Modeling in various media
- Pen pals
- Photographs
- Laboratory experiments performed by more than two students working together
- Use of dramatization, skits, plays
- Student construction of diagrams, charts, or graphs
- Making of posters by students
- Students drawing pictures or cartoons vividly portray principles or facts
- Problem solving or case studies
- Puppets
- Use of chalkboard by instructor as aid in teaching
- Use of diagrams, tables, graphs, and charts by instructor in teaching
- Use of exhibits and displays by instructor
- Reproductions
- Construction of exhibits and displays by students
- Use of slides
- Use of filmstrips
- Use of motion pictures, educational films, videotapes
- Use of theater motion pictures
- Use of recordings
- Use of radio programs
- Use of television
- Role playing
- Sand tables
- School affiliations
- Verbal illustrations: use of anecdotes and parables to illustrate
- Service projects
- Stamps, coins, and other hobbies
- Use of community or local resources
- Story telling
- Surveys
- Tutorial: students assigned to other students for assistance, peer teaching
- Coaching: special assistance provided for students having difficulty in the course
- Oral reports
- Word association activity
- Workbooks
- Using case studies reported in literature to illustrate psychological principles and facts
- Construction of scrapbooks
- Applying simple statistical techniques to class data
- Time lines
- "Group dynamics" techniques
- Units of instruction organized by topics
- Non directive techniques applied to the classroom
- Supervised study during class period
- Use of sociometric text to make sociometric analysis of class
- Use of technology and instructional resources
- Open textbook tests, take home tests
- Put idea into picture
- Write a caption for chart, picture, or cartoon
- Reading aloud
- Differentiated assignment and homework
- Telling about a trip
- Mock convention
- Filling out forms (income tax, checks)
- Prepare editorial for school paper
- Attend council meeting, school boar meeting
- Exchanging "things"
- Making announcements
- Taking part (community elections)
- Playing music from other countries or times
- Studying local history
- Compile list of older citizens as resource people
- Students from abroad (exchange students)
- Obtain free and low cost materials
- Collect old magazines
- Collect colored slides
- Visit a local restaurant
- Specialize in one country
- Follow a world leader (in the media)
- Visit an employment agency
- Start a campaign
- Conduct a series
- Investigate a life
- Assist an immigrant
- Volunteer (tutoring, hospital)
- Prepare an exhibit
- Detect propaganda
- Join an organization
- Deign ways of collecting money for a a good cause
- Elect a "Hall of Fame" for males
- Elect a "Hall of Fame" for females
- Construct a salt map
- Construct a drama
- Prepare presentation for senior citizen group
- Invite senior citizen(s) to present local history to class including displaying artifacts (clothing, tools, objects, etc.)
- Prepare mock newspaper on specific topic or era
- Draw a giant map on floor of classroom
- Research local archaeological site
- Exchange program with schools from different parts of the state
- In brainstorming small group, students identify a list of techniques and strategies that best fit their class.
Best Wishes...............

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