When you pick
up a packet of pasta for a carton of milk from the ‘organic’ section of the
supermarket or from a health food shop, do you try to find out how many
non-organic substances it may contain? Very unlikely. You trust the label, ‘Certified
Organic.’ There must be a government-approved process that makes sure that only
organic things get that coveted certificate and license to charge a hefty
premium. You don't have to think. You don't have to ask. Someone else has done
it for you.

According to a report (“Has ‘organic’ been
oversized?” by Stephanie Strom) in the New
York Times of July 7, 2012, Big Food has quietly invaded and colonised the
organic foods space. Gradually they have come to dominate the National Organic
Standards Board set up by the American government to determine what can be
certified organic and what cannot be. Thus, instead of fresh food produced
organically in small farms and consumed locally, Americans are now treated to
countrywide brands such as Wholesome & Hearty, Walnut Acres, and Healthy
Valley – all owned by Big Food that has been drawn there by the premium which
discerning customers gladly pay. Giant agri-food corporations including
Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, ConAgra, General Mills, Kellogg, Heinz, and Kraft have
driven out most independent organic farmers after buying their brands. Those
big companies shape the average consumer’s purchase decisions through influencing
the certification process .
The more than threefold increase in the
number of permissible non-organic substances during the last ten years closely
matches the growth of Big Food’s influence in the certification process.
Big Food has its own cheaper standard
products side-by-side with organic products under a variety of pastoral-something
brand names. They make money through both these channels. Consumers who are
tired and scared of the business practices of Big Food may think that when they
buy organic milk or pasta, they support small farms. What they buy may be safe;
but they might not be willing to pay a premium for those products if they knew
more about the certification process.
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