Wednesday 9 October 2024

 Effective Learning through Classroom Activities

We, at department of Communication Skills, believe in teaching students English language and literature through various classroom activities. In this series, we are presenting our first activity Effective Listening through Interviews.

Effective Listening through Interviews

The activity was planned and executed by Ms. Niti Vachhani for the students of B.A. Hons. (Faculty of Law Semester-1). The students were assigned the roles of an interviewer and the interviewee, where the interviewee assumes the role of a famous personality of their choice, and answers the questions asked by the interviewer carefully. The other students were then asked to identify the type/mode of listening required. The activity aligned with an ongoing topic which was Listening In Context in Effective Listening Skills Course, and the students got a better and first-hand understanding of how each type/mode of listening works.

Number of Participants: 8 

Skills Targeted: Attentive and Active Listening

Improve communication skills  
Improve and enhance Active, Attentive, and Responsive Listening

Role of the teacher:
Facilitate and monitor the activity 
Provide feedback 
Provide scaffolding when necessary

Role of the student:
Prepare for the role assigned
Engage actively

Role of the audience:
Listen carefully and identify the mode of listening
Give feedback  

Time consumed: 40-45 minutes 

Friday 23 August 2024


Teaching English Language in Higher Education Institutes in the Present Time


The Faculty Forum on "Teaching English Language in Higher Education Institutes in the Present Time" was held on July 27, 2024, at the University Seminar hall from 2:30 to 3:30 PM. The event was organized by the Department of English and included participation from faculty members. The forum aimed to address contemporary challenges and opportunities in teaching English language in higher education institutes and to share innovative strategies and practices.


                                                                    Panel Discussions

As the forum is an in-house initiative, panelists included the three faculty members from the department:  Dr. Kuldeepsinh Jadeja, Dr. Vidhi Mehta and Ms. Niti Vachani. The panel had a rigorous discussion on the following key points.


           Role of session planning in making teaching effective

           Challenges of digital literacy among students.

           developing courses that align with students' career aspirations.

           Methods for continuous assessment and feedback.

           Ways of facilitating language instruction, making learning more                                                     accessible and engaging for students.


                                                             Open House Discussion

Following the panel discussion, an open house session was held, allowing participants to engage in an interactive dialogue with the panelists. Key topics raised during the open   house included:                                

               Student engagement

               Managing discipline related issues in large classes

The Faculty Forum provided valuable insights on teaching English in higher education Institutes in Present Time. The panel discussion and open house fostered a collaborative environment where participants could share experiences and ideas. The event highlighted the importance of adapting teaching methods to keep pace with technological advancements and the diverse needs of students.


Friday 22 April 2022


 All the world's a stage,
       And all the men and women merely players;
       They have their exits and their entrances,
       And one man in his time plays many parts.
       - 'As You Like It, William Shakespeare

'Eng-Lit', - English Literary Club, Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Marwadi University had organized a 'Mono Act' competition for the students across the University. The event was held at the auditorium on the 14th of March 2022.

The students had participated enthusiastically and had played varied roles of characters from various literary books and movies.  The event was coordinated by faculty coordinator Mr. Jay Jivani and first-year B.A. English students coordinators Tatsat, Hardi, and Shakshi. 

Monday 17 September 2018

Department Initiative

Creative Impressions Club

Department of Communication Skills
Marwadi University - Rajkot

The first activity of Creative Impressions was conducted on 29/8/18 from 10.00 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. at MB603. 14 students participated in the event. The session was conducted by Dr. J. Vijayalakshmi and Ms. Pratixa Parmar.
The session was planned to cater to the needs of the reading, writing, speaking skills of the student along with the aspect of creativity. The students participated actively in the event. The students were very enthusiastic to present their own compositions. They recited poems, short-stories, quotes based on the theme of life and philosophy. The creativity was unique in the sense that the students had innovative methods of recitation with complete grip over the tone and language. In the second section, the students were given various poems and articles based on the theme of education, independence and technology. They were given 15-20 minutes to read and to interpret the meaning. This was followed by presentation by the students. The session ended with Q&A and feedback.

Monday 10 September 2018

Department Initiative

Certificate Courses

The Department of Communication Skills
Marwadi University - Rajkot

Exciting news for the students of Marwadi University!!

Now, the students can also do certificate courses to improve their English Language Skills. The good thing is that there is a range of courses to address the specific needs of the students. They  can choose a course based on their needs. If somebody wants improve speaking skills in English, there is an exclusive course on it. If someone wants to prepare oneself for interview, there is a special certificate course for that. If some student wants to improve writing skills, there is a special course on that too. And there are many more such courses to cater to the specific requirements of the students. The students can pick and choose a course based on their requirements and strengthen their English. So, identify your requirement and enroll for the courses from the Marwadi University online portal.

Saturday 1 September 2018

Teaching Practice

Teaching Vocabulary through ICT: Quizlet

Dr Vipul Solanki
School of Languages, Marwadi University – Rajkot

As we know, building vocabulary is very crucial for learning any language. It is the familiarity with the words that help to read and comprehend a piece of text. Hence, teaching or familiarizing the learners with the words of the text which they are supposed to learn is necessary as well as helpful for them to understand the text well. Such an effort was made for the graduate students (BBA, BCom) who are learning English through an article Paytm: The Wonder Wallet, which is a part of the course Reading and Writing for Business, published in the business magazine Forbes – India.

Before starting reading of the article in the class, a group of words, which can possibly be difficult for the students to understand, was identified. Then, using an online tool Quizlet a lesson was prepared. Quizlet is a tool through which different methods of teaching and evaluating a topic can be created. Once the details of the lesson are feed on the portal, it will automatically generate a learning lesson, or various evaluation tools as shown below.

It generates the lesson under various categories like Flashcards, Learn, Write, Spell, Test, Match, Gravity, Live for learning and evaluation the topics.

The learners will be able to learn the words in terms of its meaning, pronunciation, and spelling. They will also be able to see how much they have learnt and retained by the evaluation tools and interesting games. To teach the aforementioned article, it was thought to be deemed fit to teach the words of the article first. To engage the students in the learning process and to make them retain the words, the ICT tool Quizlet was used which proved to be very helpful.

I am sure using Quizlet in your class too will be very interesting so give it a try and share your teaching stories here. It will also be fun to read about your experiences of such other innovative teaching practices. So keep blogging it here.

Thursday 19 April 2018

Book Released

A Postmodernist Critique of the Select Works of Amitav Ghosh


Dr J Vijayalakshmi
Assistant Professor
Department of Communication Skills
Marwadi University

The book entitled A Postmodernist Critique of the Select Works of Amitav Ghosh by Dr J Vijayalakshmi, Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Skills, Marwadi University was released by the renowned writer Ms. Bharathi Pradhan at Ahemdabad International Literature Festival on 24th December,2017. After unveiling the book, Ms. Pradhan congratulated the author for her hard work. Dr. Vijayalakshmi was given a session of 15 minutes to present her view points about her book. She spoke about the totalitarian concepts, consumerism, alienation and the technique of eternal ‘space’ and ‘time’. The postmodern values of totalitarianism are a struggle against the idealist concepts which are silenced by the society.  Man of today’s era lives in solitude due to the virtual boundaries of time and space. The truth and the real knowledge are decoded but it never comes to limelight as the rhetoric falls short of revealing the ‘Truth’ as ‘Truth’. Hence, it is the individual who struggles continuously to fix the truth:

 He struggles believing that,
 in every end, there’s a new beginning;
 in every failure, there’s a new lesson inscribed;
 in every disappointment, there’s a new confidential stance;
in every untruth, there’s a truth waiting to be explored;
Which tunes the ‘one’ to the ‘other’--the final truth.
 Yet, the rhetoric with its ‘gaps’ and ‘silences’ prevents
the declaration of truth.
But, the individual embarks on a mission, to legitimize the ‘Truth’–the beyond
with a hope that, the world will experience the truth,
 and the truth of inevitability
 and the truth of the ‘Other’,
 which, indeed defines the postmodern canon.

The programme ended with the Question and Answer session.

Tuesday 17 April 2018

Book Published

“Unravelling the ‘Gay Plague’: A Study of William M. Hoffman’s As Is, Larry Kramer’s The Normal Heart and The Destiny of Me, and Paul Rudnick’s Jeffrey”

Mr Jaykumar Buddhadev
Department of Communication Skills

The book looks into the various counter-discourses born out of the urban gay community since 1981 (to 1996) as a corollary to the mainstream discourse engendered by HIV/AIDS that added to the existing anti-gay rhetoric in the USA.

Saturday 10 February 2018

Movie Screening

Department of Communication Skills

As a part of English Day Celebration, a movie screening of ‘The Hundred-Foot Journey’ was organized by the Department of Communication Skills on 10th February, 2018. More than 50 students participated in the screening. Many faculty members from Department of Communication Skills also participated in the screening including Dr. Deepak Mashru, Dr. Vijayalakshmi, Mr. BhautikLumbani, Ms. Ateesha Srivastava and Ms. PratixaParmar.

The objectives of movies screening include but not limited to the following:
      To improve English
      To enhance vocabulary with context
      To learn ‘how’ (not just ‘what’) natives speak
      To learn to read and review a movie
      To understand human emotions & reactions

The student attended the screening based on the pre-registration. Before the screening of the movie, a brief background of the movie was given to the students along with the trailer of the movie. The screening was followed by the discussion and feedback.

The screening was third of its kind in the series as a part of CS – Elective i.e. English though Movies. This elective is offered to the 2nd semester students of Marwadi University. It has been decided to have a movie screening every Saturday – 9:30am onwards.
The screening was coordinated by Mr. Jay Buddhadev and Mr. Mihir Dave of Department of Communication Skills.

Friday 1 December 2017

Poem by Jaykumar Buddhdev

art and talents

with twenty and nine candles
here i am burying them
sometimes burning too
both with a practiced quietness
this art not learnt
but ‘tis a taste acquired
and a habit born on
empty dinner tables with
unworn rings - unclaimed lips
beds unshared and peerless nights
now no more them i see
opened or closed eyes
yet flashes of fancy
emerge rise and sink
staying momentarily but
the seeds of this art
sown slow and sudden
at ten and eight
just before adding ‘nother
to the tally of years
this bilious activity grew
gradually ‘twas nurtured
making them gangrenous too
seeming slightly simple to you
maybe ‘tis too
sans dancing and chanting
‘round their remains with
a wooden stake through
for even cold and buried
or burnt and bloody
they became someone new
with these talents
and hands sanguinary
glistening eyes
i am ready
with a cleaver
and such arts
should you begin

to seem enticing too

This poem has been published in the international journal The Criterion (Vol 8, Issue IV)

Wednesday 6 September 2017

On Teachers’ Day
Ms Pratixa Parmar
Department of Communication Skills
Having teachers in your life is a blessing but along with that being a teacher is also a blessing. A teacher is the one who not only teaches their students but learns so many things from them. There is a beautiful relationship between a teacher and a student. The moment teacher step into the classroom there is a different world full of amazing ideas, imagination and the best part is enthusiastic students. The most important thing is to see and recognize all good things that are there around you. The way sun shines and brings brightness to endless life is the same way where students shine and bring enlightenment into their lives. What exactly they need is the ability to see and transform themselves. This way a learner can be a good teacher and a teacher can be a good learner. 

The best teachers are those who show you where to look but don't tell you what to see. Happy Teacher's Day.

Wednesday 26 April 2017

Teaching Practice

Practices for Teaching Vocabulary
Mr Ashok Pandya
Department of Communication Skills, MEFGI - Rajkot

Words have power to destroy and heal. - The Buddha
Whatever and wherever we are today it’s because of our words that we have used in our life. Using minimum words and conveying maximum thought is heart of communication. One of the problem with vocabulary is that students (we also) do not remember new words for longer time, I had question in mind that how we can teach vocabulary in such way that students can remember it for longer time. I tried to find out answer. There are some techniques that I have come across which teacher can experiment for example teaching words with different images, showing movie scenes in which character uses that particular word, using it in their conversation, recording that conversation, creating story by using that particular word, creating what’s app group etc. I have experimented some of the techniques.

1.   Teaching words with different images:
Science says whatever we see we can remember it for longer time. When I teach anything and when   I use any word that students find difficult I explain that word by showing image of that word for   example ‘LIONIZE’ means to treat someone as celebrity, after explaining usage of that word, I       showed an image of that word on projector screen (type particular word on Google and click on       image)

I also explain it with white board.

2.   Creating WhatsApp group:
In my lab, Students have created WhatsApp group for learning vocabulary. I have advised them to introduce any new words with images in group and then they are supposed to make sentence of that words.

3.   Teaching through particular movie scene:
Students like when you talk about movie. Movies are source of learning. Students might not remember text but they remember dialogues of the movies. For example, I taught word ‘ENTREPRENEUR’ by showing movie clip of English Vinglish.

Now questions are: have they learnt words in a better way? Are they able to use effective words? Are they now able to remember words for longer time? Answers of these questions will be written in my next article.