A boy got annoyed with theory and he said,
(Excerpt from Valentine Cunningham’s Theory, What theory? )
vishal bhadani
[Here is a selection from Valentine Cunningham’s “Theory,
What theory discussing the ambiguous state of theory and how it has come to the
academic world (read literature teaching departments, English departments in particular) as
big show for keeping the ball rolling to run the university departments. I believe
that on one hand when people are uncritically obsessed with theory, such
discourses provide us with a new perspective of looking at theory. However, I am also skeptical about the birth of a new theory – Theory against Theory. A solid read.]
“Theorists don’t like the charge of untheoretical
messiness, and work hard to disprove it. Some have tried to lean on etymology
for the strict meaning of their work, and invoke the originating Greek word theoros, spectator. So theory becomes spectator work, what
onlookers and audiences do.
What’s embraced by the label theory, what I mean by
Theory, is what you expect to find and indeed do find in those proliferating
university courses called “Theory” or
“Introductions to Theory”; what you find in the exploding field of handy
student handbooks and textbooks. The scope is, of course, Structuralism and
Feminism and Marxism and Reader-Response and Psychoanalysis and Deconstruction
and Poststructuralism and Postmodernism and New Historicism and
Postcolonialism—the concerns of the various sections of Julian Wolfreys’
volume, Literary Theories: A
Reader and Guide (1999), in the order in which they appear. The modem gurus of
Theory on these lines are, of course, the likes of Mikhail Bakhtin,Walter
Benjamin, Roland Barthes, Louis Althusser, Jacques Derrida, Paul de Man, Jacques
Lacan, Julia Kristeva, Luce Irigaray, Michel Foucault, non-anglophone thinkers
all, but most notably French-speakers, the French men and women who poured the
Word from Paris (as John Sturrock has aptly put it)3 into eager anglophone ears
from the 1960s onwards.
For Theorists have indeed managed to pull
off what is, by any standards, an astounding coup, or trick; have managed to
wedge together a great many various subjects, concerns, directions, impulses,
persuasions, and activities that are going on in and around literature, and
squeeze them all under the one large sheltering canopy of “Theory.” They have
managed to compel so many divergent wings of what they call Theory under the
one roof, persuaded so many sectional variants of interpretative work to sink
their possible differences around a common conference table, in the one seminar
with the sign Theory on its door. So while setting their faces, usually,
against Grand Narratives and Keys to All Mythologies, as delusive and
imperialist, and all that, Theorists have managed to erect the Grandest
Narrative of all—Theory—the greatest intellectual colonizer of all time.How
this wheeze was pulled off, how you can have the political and the personal
subjects of literature—representations of selfhood and class and gender and
race: the outside-concerns, the outward look of writing, the descriptive and
documentary, the reformist intentions, and the ideological instrumentality of
writing—envisioned and envisionable as part and parcel of the often quite
opposite and contradictory functions of writing—the merely formal, or the
technically linguistic, or (as often) a deeply inward, world-denying, aporetic
writing activity—rather defies ordinary logic. Foundationalism and anti-foundationalism,
shall we say roughly the Marxist reading on the one hand, and the
deconstructionist on the other, make awkward bed-partners, you might think. But
Theory deftly marries them off, or at least has them more or less cheerfully
all registered as guests in the same hotel room.
For all that, theorizing about literature is always a
palimpsest. Below the latest lines you can always still read the older
inscribings. Theoretical memory is always stronger than Theory’s would-be
revolutionaries hope. The present trend of Theory is always a simultaneously
present archeology or paleography. Theory’s archive is perpetually open. As
with the media of communication. We move from script to print to IT, but I still start writing this with a pen and pencil. Now
I fly, now I drive my car, now I ride my bike, now I go on foot.”
Source: Valentine Cunningham’s “Theory, What theory?” Published in ‘Theory’s Empire: An
Anthology of Dissent’ edited by Daphne Patai and Will H. Corral, Columbia University Press, New York, 2005.